Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel

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Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel
150 lessons 29999 students $399.00$99.00

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Our Testimonials

A 5-Star Course!

Knowledgeable instructor provided engaging delivery, valuable information, clear explanations, helpful practice activities. It really made my Excel skills to a specialist level!

team 7
Robert Prickett
MOS Excel Course Student
Great quality!

Stanley's MOS Excel is a comprehensive course. It based on the Microsoft's official syllabus, and gave me a complete understanding of Excel. I rated this course at 5-Star!

team 3
Jay Adams
MOS Excel Course Student
This is a good course!

Short lessons and broken out to where each concept is taught independently of each other. It really helped me to get the full knowledge of Excel in a short time and now I'm a proficient Excel user! So I rated it at 5-Star!

team 5
Tony Chester
MOS Excel Course Student

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